Principal Investigator: Bobby Stojanoski


My research program examines the links between social and cognitive development, the underlying changes in structure and function of the brain, and the role of different demographic and lifestyle factors in neurotypical and neurodiverse children and adolescents. My lab uses different neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, EEG, fNIRS), naturalistic stimuli (e.g. movie watching, and hyperscaning) and computational approaches to examine social and cognitive abilities in the developing brain.

Zedd Whitacker USRA/ Hon. Thesis student 


Zedd is helping to develop a more naturalistic online test of Theory of Mind abilities designed for children and adolescents. 


Developmental Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab

Contact Information

Bobby Stojanoski, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at
Ontario Tech University in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
t: @bstojanoski

Kate Turner, MSc.

MSc Student  

Currently: Evaluation & CQI Coordinator

Brianna Hughes  MSc. student


Brianna is examining the contribution of environmental factors such as socioeconomic status (access to resources) and childhood trauma on accelerated brain maturation, using resting state fMRI data provide by the Healthy Brain Network


Lab Alumni


Developmental Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab

Sara Saljoughi Ph.D. student 


Sara is interested in the interplay between social and cognitive development. Sara uses naturalistic stimuli (i.e., movies) to identify shared and distinct neural mechanisms associated with the development of Executive functioning and Theory of Mind in children and adolescents.

Dylan Rapanan  MSc. co-supervised with Steven Livingstone


Dylan will use functional near-infrared spectroscopy to examine the differences in the neural representations associated with processing various emotional expressed on avatar vs. human faces

Kylie Carr Hon. Thesis student 


Kylie is examining the electrophysiological indices associated with recovery from Delerium in children admitted to the ICU 

Kylie Carr Hon. Thesis student 


Kylie is examining the electrophysiological indices associated with recovery from Delerium in children admitted to the ICU 

Brian Pho, MSc.

MSc Student 

Currently: Intermediate Software Developer

Kathleen Lyons, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Student

Currently: Assistant Professor of Psychology at King's University College

Geoffrey Laforge, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Student 

Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Brain and Mind Institute, Western University

Dong Xu

Honours Thesis Student 

Currently: Correctional Officer

Wilson Ho

Work Study Student 

Currently: Medical School at the University of Toronto